March 22
-The following words by George Hawtin are most challenging: "The established visible church has preached its multiplied
sermons seeking to prove its tradition that the vast majority of God's human creation will be LOST, finally, irrevocably,
and eternally, and not only will they be lost to God forever and ever, but they will be given up to the most sadistic, inhuman,
ungodly torments that could be devised by the vilest fiends. According to the tradition of the church this hellish torment
is to fall upon all who do not believe. It matters not a whit whether they had opportunity to believe or not. It matters not
at all if they were born in the darkest jungles of Africa, the swamps of Borneo, or the deserts of India or China. The fact
that they never heard there was a God will be no excuse whatever. The fact that they never heard that God had a Son will not
impede their dreadful destruction. Heathen who never heard that God had a Son are, according to this teaching, faced with
the same dreadful doom as men who heard the gospel from their birth and yet rejected it. To add to the stupidity of their
teaching they make pitiful attempts to prove that this is the justice of God and that God is manifesting His love in the punishment
of sin. The doctrine of eternal punishment is based on a literal interpretation of some of the metaphors of scripture, to
the complete neglect of many other scriptures. No doctrine has ever been propounded with more confidence and greater bitterness
nor with a grossness and coarseness more hideous and repugnant, and, in the face of the love and kindness of God, more inconceivable
and incredible" -end quote.
( George Hawtin )
-think about it!-
-Think About It!!-