May 21

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May 21


According to Elwin Roach:

-"The English word "wrath" comes from the Greek word "orge" ( pronounced … or-gay ). Strong's Exhaustive Concordance tells us that "ORGE" means: desire, (as a reaching forth or excitement of the mind), i.e. (by analogy) violent passion.... If we follow the word to its derivatives we find that it is akin to 'airo,' which implies a deliverance from sin, and is comparable to 'ornis,' which means 'a bird' (as rising in the air). "Orge" is active. "Orge" reaches out and accomplishes its burning desire. The passion ("orge"/"wrath") we see in the scriptures is usually in the context of heated determination. "Wrath" in the Biblical sense is not a condition of rage, as the word implies in the English, but is generally associated with adamant punishment toward those in rebellion; yet it does not end with punishment alone. We see that it ends in deliverance, especially at the judgment of the Last Death, the Lake of Fire. The passion of Christ, the wrath of the Lamb, is no doubt grievous to the carnal man, for it means the end of his lustful, self-indulging life. It is similar to a father's wrath when he punishes his rebellious son. It is not enjoyable to either of the two; yet it is done with understanding and in love, knowing the pain is but for a season and very necessary for the spirit of rebellion to be broken. This is in all of God's judgments toward His fallen creation." ( Hell & The Lake Of Fire, Elwin R. Roach )


-As was stated earlier, "wrath" is the passionate love of God. It is His stored up desire and passion to see all of His creation set free. This is to be understood in the same sense of a man’s passionate love for his bride. How would he react if his bride were to be wooed into the arms of another lover? He would go after his unfaithful bride in order to win her back again. In essence, he would unleash his "wrath" upon his bride. This "wrath" would not be to destroy her, but rather to bring her back in union with her true love. The man would pour out his passionate love in an effort to gain back his lover. He would exhaust all necessary means to draw her into his loving arms. HE WOULD STOP AT NOTHING, UNTIL SHE COULD FINALLY SEE HIS UNCONDITIONAL AND UNFAILING LOVE! After being a witness to this, the bride would voluntarily return to her one and only love. HOW COULD SHE RESIST SUCH FORGIVENESS, PASSION, DETERMINATION, AND LOVE?

-There is no doubt that the Bible speaks of the "wrath" of God. The GOOD NEWS is that there is a purpose for the WINEPRESS OF THE FIERCENESS AND "WRATH" OF ALMIGHTY GOD! It is for the purpose of correction! It is His …


May 21

And now abides faith, hope, and love, these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE.