"Careful attention to Christian doctrine does not, in and of itself, produce deep devotion to our Lord Jesus,
but such devotion can be expected to be served by a rich understanding of the universal scope of God's grace in Christ. With
a view toward cultivating an ever- deepening love of God, daily devotional messages in book form have, in some measure, effectively
served many individuals and families over the years.
In my humble opinion, though; in much such material, there has been an element of gospel distortion that can
seriously mitigate the impact of the essential message that transforms human hearts and minds, namely, that God's love, and
the purpose intrinsic to His love, will, without qualification, triumph over every enemy and all enmity until every knee bows
in adoration before the Savior in Whom our Father has entrusted His eternal purpose.
Thomas Kissinger has been infused by the Spirit of God with a passion to make available a daily devotional that
is free of those elements of contrariness to the true heart of the gospel of Christ that characterize much of conventional
orthodoxy, and thereby free seeking hearts to know the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ as He really is. From this
springs all true devotion to God and His cause. I am happy and honored to commend his labor of love to all my brethren in
Christ looking for a book of daily devotionals as part of their spiritual discipline."
- John R. Gavazzoni, Greater Emmanuel International Apostolic Team Ministries -
"Our religious traditions should be challenged by the truth of God’s Word. Thomas Kissinger has written
a daily devotional, which does just that. What we believe about God must pass His love test, because God IS Love. [1John
4:8]. Thomas is truly a man of God, writing 'The Truth About God'."
- David Davis, Pastor, Abiding Hope Fellowship -
"This is a compelling work by Thomas Kissinger for whom I have tremendous respect. He understands that mankind
needs inspiring words of Truth. This Daily Devotional will arrest your attention from the beginning. You cannot read it through
one time and think you have it all figured out for underneath the top layer of truth are hidden more layers.
The author, with maturity beyond his years, has devoted himself to seeking out the best so the reader may have
spiritual food every day.
These pillars of The Truth About God will make you strong. I highly recommend everyone read what
Thomas has for you each day."
- Dr. Harold Lovelace, Author, Read And Search God’s Plan -