June 18
-Have you ever considered why there are four accounts of the life of Jesus? These four gospel accounts are referred
to as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But why four? Why not one, three, five, six, or seven? What is the significance of having
four gospel accounts? Does it represent something? Is it a fulfillment of prophecy? What does it symbolize?
According to Robert Beecham:
-"The book of the prophet Ezekiel begins with a dramatic vision. He saw the heavens opened and in the middle
of dazzling brightness he saw four living beings. He describes them as follows: 'Their faces looked like this: Each of the
four had the face of a man, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also
had the face of an eagle' (1: 10). John had a similar vision, recorded in Revelation 4: 6, 7: "In the centre, around the throne,
were four living beings, and they were covered with eyes, in front and behind. The first living being was like a lion, the
second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle." ( The Four Living Beings,
Robert Beecham )
-The occupations of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were:
-These four gospels correspond to the four living beings! Matthew’s gospel speaks of Jesus as a lion.
This represents Jesus as a KING. Mark’s gospel speaks of Jesus as an ox. This represents Jesus
as a SERVANT. Luke’s gospel speaks of Jesus as a man. This represents Jesus as a MAN
( the humanity of Jesus ). John’s gospel speaks of Jesus as an eagle. This represents Jesus as GOD
( the deity of Jesus ).
-As you can see, the purpose of the four gospels is to portray Jesus in His fullness. He is to be seen as a:
KING, SERVANT, MAN, AND GOD! With this in mind, the gospel accounts will mean much more to you from here on out. Pay close
attention to how each gospel portrays Jesus in its own unique way.
According to Robert Beecham:
-"Only Matthew records the visit of the wise men, and their words: 'where is the One Who has been born king
of the Jews? Mark’s gospel is all about action. Jesus is serving His Father. Appropriately, for a servant, Mark's gospel
is the shortest. Only Luke gives us all the human details of Jesus' birth. He tells the story of Gabriel's visit to Mary and
her conception. Only Luke mentions the inn at Bethlehem and the manger where Jesus first slept. Only Luke recounts how Jesus
sweated drops of blood in Gethsemane. John is the gospel of 'I am'. Only John records the great claims of Jesus. 'I
am the bread of life.' 'I am the light of the world.' 'I am the door.' 'I am the good shepherd.' 'I am the resurrection and
the life.' 'I am the way, the truth and the life.' 'I am the true vine.' 'Before Abraham was, I am.' Who but God can say such
things? No other teacher or religious leader before or since has ever spoken words like these." ( The Four Living Beings,
Robert Beecham )