January 23
-Hebrews 10:25 states, … Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; … The
word "assembling" in this passage means: to gather together, collect, to gather together for corporate worship, our attachment
to Jesus Christ and other believers, and not avoiding one’s own responsibility as part of the body of Christ. As you
can see, this passage of scripture speaks of more than just making sure that you do not miss a “church service”,
but rather, it speaks of THE BODY OF CHRIST. Many people who PRIDE THEMSELVES in the fact that they go to church every Sunday
and Wednesday, and that they are there “every time the doors are opened”, are not really assembling themselves
together, but rather, they are just another warm body in the building. We must realize that what is being assembled is not
a church service, BUT THE BODY OF CHRIST. It is not so much how many times that you “go to church”, or where you
“go to church”, but it is recognizing that YOU ARE THE CHURCH, and that what is being assembled is the corporate
BODY OF CHRIST. Many ( especially preachers ) use this scripture to load condemnation onto people if they miss a church service,
not realizing that the assembling that God is talking about is not so much a physical meeting in a church building, but a
spiritual assembling of the many membered BODY OF CHRIST.
-So next time you “go to church”, you must realize that you are being assembled together in the Spirit to become
the BODY OF CHRIST. The mere act of you going to a building on a Sunday morning or a Wednesday night does not necessarily
mean that you have assembled yourself together with Christ and His Body. It is the joining together of the BODY OF CHRIST,
being in one mind and one accord with the MIND OF CHRIST, for the purpose of fellowship, worship, and teaching in the Lord.
This can take place in a home, on the job, out in public, in a building, or ANYWHERE, FOR WE ARE THE CHURCH!!! We must STOP
thinking that the mere act of going to a building twice a week or more is the only thing that constitutes the assembling of
ourselves together with Christ and His Body. GO FORTH and attach ( assemble ) yourself to …