July 15
-As we have already established, an OVERCOMER ( one who qualifies for the first resurrection ) is a LOVER and
a FORGIVER. Let us continue with this thought, delving deeper into the specifics of a lover and a forgiver.
-The key to understanding love and forgiveness is to be found in the law of God, more specifically, the law
of Jubilee. The Jubilee is about forgiveness, including the cancellation and forgiveness of debts. This can be found in Leviticus
25:8-10. This law was a type and shadow of Jesus Christ. He, as God manifested in the flesh, came to this earth to forgive
and cancel the sin debt of the whole world. JESUS IS THE JUBILEE! WE ARE FORGIVEN! WE ARE LOVED! We have been reconciled (
2nd Corinthians 5:18-21 ) and made to be reconcilers.
According to Dr. Stephen Jones:
-"God has made all men victims of injustice in some manner. All have experienced the injustice of sin. Most
men become angry and often quite bitter over these injustices. But those who know the heart of God and the character of Jesus
Christ may learn how to deal with these injustices in a somewhat unusual manner. They understand that God is sovereign, and
that nothing happens to them, except that God has the knowledge and the power to work it out for their good (Romans 8:28).
Those who truly believe this are the ones who do not become angry when they are personally subjected to injustice. They have
learned to forgive those who wrong them and to rejoice when men persecute them. More than that, the overcomers are people
who have experienced the Jubilee. That is, they have learned to release men from bondage and the prison house of sin (debt).
They have learned not to hold grudges against their persecutors, but to rejoice that God has found them worthy to undergo
these trials of faith. These are overcomers. The primary qualification of an overcomer--one who aspires to attain to the Feast
of Tabernacles--is to be a forgiver." ( The Laws Of The Second Coming, Dr. Stephen Jones )
-God is going to place the overcomers in a position of rulership ( Revelation 2:26 ) in His Kingdom. THIS IS
THE FIRST RESURRECTION! They will administer the law of God in righteousness to all the earth.