June 16
According to Charles Pridgeon:
-"The spirit of prejudice stands in the way of all new views of truth. “Prejudice” has been defined
as “a judgment or opinion formed without due examination of the facts or reasons that are essential to a just and impartial
determination.” … There are those who will not accept any truth unless it is ministered in a certain conventional
manner or supported by certain great names … One of the words that Prejudice uses is, “That is unorthodox.”
“Orthodoxy” means right thinking; to nearly every one it has come to mean “to think as I do.”
… Unless there are deepenings and enlargement, vital and new openings of truth, orthodoxy becomes dead … Prejudice
stands in the way of even a conservative and constructive advance. May God's Holy Spirit alone be our Teacher." ( Is Hell
Eternal, Or Will God’s Plan Fail?, Charles Pridgeon )
-If there was one word to characterize modern day Christianity as a whole, it is this: PREJUDICE! Most Christians
base their beliefs on what others say. They care more about what their pastor, family, and friends say than what the Bible
says. They do not want to go through the process of checking into facts and reasons that are essential to a just and impartial
-It is not enough to just believe something. WE MUST KNOW WHY WE BELIEVE WHAT WE BELIEVE! When people are presented
with something they have never heard they immediately discard it as false. If it is something they do not understand they
are sure to label it as deception. All of this is done WITHOUT DUE EXAMINATION AND PRAYER. THIS IS PREJUDICE!
WE DESPERATELY NEED TO STOP DOING THIS! Most people do not read, meditate on, or study the Bible, but they are quick to assure
you that they have God all figured out. Why is this? They are held captive by the spirit of prejudice! This is what Jesus
referred to when He said, … the traditions and doctrines of men make the Word of God of none effect ( Mark 7:13 ) …
-May our Heavenly Father deliver us from prejudice, for the body of Christ is drowning in a sea of religious
confusion, refusing to properly examine the facts or reasons that are essential to a just and impartial determination. It
is time to examine whether or not we are in “the faith” ( 2nd Corinthians 13:5 ). It is time to prove
all things (1st Thessalonians 5:21). It is time to be a “BEREAN”, being more noble than
others, in that we receive the Word with all readiness of mind, searching the scriptures daily, looking to see whether the
things we hear are correct or not ( Acts 17:11 ) …
According to Charles Pridgeon:
-"It ought not to be counted strange that new discoveries might be found in God's Word and that modification
of some things which we regarded as truth had to be made. In this way alone will truth remain living and have power." ( Is
Hell Eternal, Or Will God’s Plan Fail?, Charles Pridgeon )
-Let us lay down our prejudice and worship God …