September 2
-Let us now turn our attention to one of the most often quoted verses in the Bible in support of the teaching
of eternal torture. This verse of scripture is none other than Matthew 25:46. We will first look at this verse from the King
James Version, and then from the New Testament In Modern Speech ( 1910 Edition ).
-Matthew 25:46 ( King James Version ) states, … And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but
the righteous into life eternal …
-Matthew 25:46 ( The New Testament In Modern Speech ) states, … And these shall go away into the punishment
of the ages, but the righteous into the life of the ages …
-Not only does the New Testament In Modern Speech translate this passage MORE ACCURATELY, but it also translates
it MORE CONSISTENTLY. It renders both terms mentioned ( “everlasting” and “eternal” ) as …
of the ages … which is in total agreement with the meaning of the Greek word “aionios” used in this
passage. “Aionios”, beyond a shadow of a doubt, means: pertaining to, belonging to, or of the ages. IT DOES
NOT DENOTE ENDLESSNESS! The strongest meaning it can possibly have is: belonging to eternity, but not lasting through
it. “Aionios”, in this passage, describes the kind of punishment ( correction ), and the kind of life. What
is being contrasted in Matthew 25:46 is: punishment ( correction ) within the ages of time, and life within the ages of
time. What is also worthy to note is that the word “punishment” used in this passage comes from the Greek
word “kolasis”, which means: punishment for the bettering of the offender. It also carries with it the
idea of pruning a tree that has not previously brought forth fruit, that it would bring forth the desired fruit.
-HOW RIDICULOUS are the words “eternal punishment”? They are actually a contradiction of one another,
and not a proper collection of terms at all! That would be the same as saying … “eternal correction”. If
correction were to be “eternal” in nature, you would not be able to label it correction, but rather, you would
have to refer to it as endless, senseless, and insane torture, having no purpose or end goal in mind but to torture someone
for the sake of torture. THAT IS INSANE! The other interesting point about this passage of scripture ( Matthew 25:31-46
) is that it concerns the judgment of …