The Three Harvests: Barley, Wheat, and Grapes
One of
the great gifts that God has given to mankind is the ability to express ourselves through the avenue of writing. Writing allows
us to take all of our beliefs, visions, thoughts, hopes, and dreams and to spell them out in a way that they can be read,
viewed, and preserved for generations to come. Unfortunately, though, one of the disadvantages of writing is that we are only
able to write, explain, and elaborate on particular topics to the degree we understand them at that point in time. As time
goes on, we will naturally find better ways to say things, even discovering that we may need to adjust, amend, or modify some
of the things which we have already written and put in print.
my writings I refer to the Feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles that are mentioned in the Bible, and how they symbolically
refer to our salvation on the individual level as well as God’s three harvests of souls on the corporate level. The
three harvests that the Bible speaks of are: Barley, Wheat, and Grapes. In addition to all of this, I have written that these
three harvests represent a “remnant” (overcomers), “the nations”, and “the world in general”
(including the church in general and all unbelievers). It is this last statement that I wish to modify and bring more clarity
further research I have come to understand the three harvests (Barley, Wheat, and Grapes) which we have mentioned in a greater
and more specific way. In previous writings I have assigned the Barley, Wheat, and Grape Harvests to: Overcomers, The Nations,
and The World In General. In a sense, this is correct, but I have discovered through the writings of Dr. Stephen Jones a better
a more perfect way to rightly divide and explain these three great harvests.
The Barley
Harvest represents the first part of God’s harvest. Those in this first harvest are referred to in Scripture as “overcomers”.
The gathering in of the nations is actually a result of the Barley Harvest. It
is in and through the manifestation of the sons of God that all nations will come to know the Lord and serve Him. These overcomers
shall come forth in the first resurrection to rule and reign on the earth under the leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ!
The Wheat
Harvest represents “the church in general”. It speaks of those who were justified by faith, but either did not
go through or submit to the sanctification process of the Lord. They are believers, but are in need of further correction
in order to be fully sanctified and put on the divine nature and character of their Heavenly Father. There still remains iniquity
(lawlessness) in their lives that must be purged by the fire (the fiery law) of God. Those who are part of the Wheat Harvest
shall be brought forth in the second resurrection to be saved “yet so as through fire” (1 Cor. 3:15).
The Grape
Harvest represents “the unbelievers”. It speaks of those who have neither been justified nor sanctified. They
shall go through God’s wrath, judgment, and the lake of fire for the purpose of
The Good News to be associated with all of this is that these three harvests represent and guarantee the salvation
of all in the fullness of time. As far as God is concerned, salvation for all is not “if”, but “when”.
Let us call to remembrance what Paul told us in 1st Corinthians 15:22-23, which states…
22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all shall
be made alive. 23 But each in his own order [tagma, “squadron”].
Here are some excerpts and quotes from the writings of Dr. Stephen Jones to support the things which
have been stated. The quotes were taken from his writings entitled “Creation’s Jubilee” and “The Restoration
Of All Things”. They are from various spots throughout these written works.
According to Dr. Stephen Jones:
“If we were to study the passages in the Bible where barley is mentioned, we would find much valuable information
about the first resurrection and the character and calling of those who qualify for it. The fact that barley matures early
tells us that the “barley firstfruits” are the first people to mature spiritually to bring forth the fruits of
the kingdom that God requires. Barley also can survive drought, heat, and cold much more easily than can wheat.
The Church in general will be raised in the second resurrection.
Jesus calls them “the just” who receive Life at the same time the “the unjust” are judged at the beginning
of that final age in “the lake of fire.” In either case, the fire that judges is the same fire poured out on Pentecost.
God’s judgment is designed to “thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the
barn” (Matthew 3:12).
The baptism of fire upon the wheat (Church) is both good and
bad. It represents a purification process, which is judgment upon sin in order to bless the individual. When God works to
refine or purify someone, it is not a pleasant experience. No judgment is. But those who understand the mind and purpose of
God will readily submit to His “fire,” knowing that God is working all things out for their good.
Finally, a Biblical study of the grape harvest, with the treading
of the grapes in the winepresses, tells us the fate of the unbelievers. The winepress depicts God's wrath, judgment, and the
lake of fire.
The purpose of the grain harvests of spring (barley and wheat)
is to provide bread for God’s great communion table. The purpose of the feast of Tabernacles with its celebration of
the winepress is to provide the wine for God’s table. Without this wine, His communion table would have only bread and
would be incomplete. God will have His wine, but it must come by means of the winepress, which speaks of the judgments of
God harvests His barley, wheat, and grapes in different manners,
even as nature teaches us. The chaff from the barley falls away very easily, so barley is said to be winnowed. That
is, the action of the wind itself (by means of fans) are sufficient to get rid of the chaff. This speaks of the barley company,
who so quickly respond to the wind of the Spirit.
To remove the chaff from the wheat requires threshing. This is
a more severe action, but it does the job. It depicts the fact that the Church will be harvested by means of judgment, or
tribulation. The Latin word, tribulum, is a threshing instrument.
Finally, to obtain the juice the grapes must be trodden under
foot. Grapes do not have chaff, but they do have “flesh” that must be pressed severely in order to obtain the
wine. This represents the most severe form of judgment upon the unbelievers. Yet the result is that God obtains wine for His
communion table.” -end quote- (Creation’s Jubilee, Dr. Stephen Jones)
According to Dr. Stephen Jones:
“There is more than one resurrection coming. The first “squadron” will be those
who are called to rule and reign with Him (Rev. 20:4-6). The second group will be those believers who are raised along with
all the unbelievers (John 5:28, 29; Luke 12:46) at the Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11-13). This second group of believers
will miss the first resurrection and will not reign with Christ during the thousand years in the Tabernacles Age to come.
Nonetheless, they will certainly be “saved yet so as through fire” (1
Cor. 3:15). Jesus made it clear in Luke 12:46-49 that those servants of God who mistreated others would receive a “flogging”
before being given their reward.
The third group will be the unbelievers themselves, after their time of judgment has been completed,
for there will be a Jubilee at the end of time according to the law, wherein all of creation will be set free in the glorious
liberty of the children of God (Rom. 8:21).” -end quote-
(The Restoration Of All Things, Dr. Stephen Jones)