August 21
According to Joseph E. Kirk:
-"The teaching of the scriptures about the eons (ages) provides answers to frustrating questions concerning
the meaning of human existence. God's purpose in creating man, and God's purpose of the eons (ages) are inseparably related.
Many are unfamiliar with this important subject because the facts have been concealed by incorrect and misleading translations
of the Bible from the original languages into English. The eons (ages) are the longest periods of time referred to in the
scriptures. They should be distinguished from the eras and the dispensations. Time-wise they (the ages) are of indefinite
duration, but event-wise they are distinctly marked off by great cataclysms which affect the whole earth. For example, an
age may consist of several dispensations, in the same sense that a year does consist of several months. We are to see that
the ages have a beginning:
-Heb.1:2: God made the eons-vs-God made the worlds
-1 Cor.2:7: before the eons -vs- before the world
-Tim.1:9: before times eonian -vs- before the world began
-The ages end, individually and collectively:
-Heb.9:26: the end of the eons -vs-the end of the world
-1 Cor.10:11: the end of the eons -vs- the ends of the world
-Matt.24:3: the end of the eon -vs- the end of the world
-The Bible speaks of at least five ages, which are: past ages, this present age, and the ages to come:
-Col.1:26: hid from the eons -vs- Past hid from ages (at least two ages have past)
-Luke 20:34: this eon -vs- this world (this present age)
-Eph.2:7: eons to come -vs- ages to come (At least two more to come, thus--a minimum of five eons
indicated)" ( The above information is from: Eons Of The Bible, Joseph E. Kirk )
-As we have just stated, the Bible speaks of at least five ages. Within these ages are eight recognized dispensations.
They are: Innocence, Conscience, Human Government, Promise, Law, Grace ( Church ), Kingdom ( The Millennium ), The Dispensation
Of The Fullness Of Times ( The Age Of The Ages ).
According to Joseph E. Kirk:
-"The teaching of the scriptures concerning the eons (ages) has been concealed from many by the inconsistencies
of the translators. An understanding of the eons (ages) and God’s eonian purpose (the purpose of the ages), results
in a revelation of God that is most enlightening and edifying. His every attribute becomes more wonderful and glorious. The
truth on this subject reveals undreamed of value and success in the saving work of our Lord Jesus Christ. It leads to the
solution of many difficult problems which exercise the hearts and minds of spiritual believers." ( Eonian: Everlasting
Or Age-Lasting?, Joseph E. Kirk )
-Our next effort will be to show the many contradictions in some modern day translations. This is due to the
mistranslation of the words …