January 30
-Most people are familiar with the story of Cain and Abel. It is widely known and recognized, even among people who know
very little or nothing at all about the Bible. Cain was a tiller of the ground. Abel was a keeper of sheep. Cain brought of
the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock unto the Lord. The Lord had
respect unto Abel and his offering: But unto Cain and his offering He had not respect. So Cain was filled with wrath, and
rose up against his brother, and slew him. The question is, what does this story represent, and what spiritual meaning does
it have for us today?
-Cain represents: self-righteousness, the flesh, selfishness, the sin nature, man and his efforts, and that which kills
or brings death. Abel represents: God’s righteousness, the Spirit, selflessness, the divine nature, the Lamb and His
sacrifice, and that which willingly lays down its life.
-We must see and understand that Cain and Abel represent the spiritual conditions that we find ourselves in. You will either
be found trusting in your own efforts, or you will trust in the sacrifice of the Lamb of God. Remember … Cain slew his
brother Abel. The flesh ( man’s carnal efforts ) will ALWAYS seek to kill the operation of the Spirit ( the force of
God ), whether in your life, or the lives of others. As we LAY DOWN OUR LIVES by trusting in the sacrifice of the Lamb of
God, we receive the greatest honor of all. GOD DECLARES US AS RIGHTEOUS. WE ARE JUSTIFIED IN HIS SIGHT! Hebrews 11:4 states,
… By FAITH Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous,
God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet still speaks …
-Jesus was the SUPREME SACRIFICE, and we are to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice. By putting our faith in the slain
Lamb, and by laying down our lives in EXCHANGE for His life, we obtain witness that we are righteous. Let us leave the ways
of Cain, choosing rather to join the ways of Abel. In Christ …