October 14
-Although the Bible does not say much about physical death, it will be beneficial to at least take into account
what it does say. In doing this we will put to rest many false ideas and teachings concerning the state of man after physical
death ( while awaiting the resurrection ). To understand this subject in its proper light we must first be willing to discard
any and all ideas about physical death that do not line up with the Holy Scriptures. In order to grasp what happens to a person
at physical death we must also understand what man is made up of. In other words, we must see that man is a three-part being
made up of SPIRIT, SOUL, AND BODY.
-1ST Thessalonians 5:23 states, … And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray
God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ …
According to Dr. Stephen Jones:
-"When Paul speaks of “you entirely,” he lists the three parts of “you.” They are spirit,
soul, and body. There is a difference between soul and spirit, which men can see if they rightly divide the Word of truth.
Heb. 4:12 says that the Word is sharper than any sword and can divide soul and spirit. That alone shows that soul and spirit
are two different things. They can be separated. The best way to understand the relationship between spirit, soul, and body
is to think of them in terms of their physical counterparts.
Spirit = breath, or wind [Heb. ruach = spirit, breath] / Soul = blood (Lev. 17:11) / Body = flesh (self-evident)
The breath gives oxygen to the blood, which is then carried by arteries and capillaries in the body. Even so,
the spirit gives life to the soul, which is in the flesh. The relationship between spirit and soul is pictured in the relationship
between the breath and the blood. They are different, but it is the spirit that gives life to the soul. It was only when God
breathed the breath of life into Adam that he became a living soul. When the breath is removed from a man, his flesh and blood
dies. Even so, when God removes the breath of life from a man, both his body and soul die. A man’s mind, will,
and emotion cannot function apart from his flesh (brain). The out-of-body experiences that men often relate to us after being
revived from death are not a function of the conscious soul, but of the consciousness of the spirit. As we will see shortly,
the spirit and soul each have a separate consciousness." ( The Judgments Of The Divine Law, Dr. Stephen Jones )
-This study will put to rest the CARNAL IDEAS of men concerning physical death. Most people believe that a person
( upon physical death ) is either shipped off to an eternal torture pit, or that they are flown to a literal mansion in the
sky that exists on a planet called Heaven. We will seek to prove from this study that neither of these two views are correct.
In fact, God’s dealings with man ( as far as reward or punishment are concerned ) are not to be administered until the
resurrection of the dead, whether it be the first or second resurrection. With this in mind, let us put off the traditions
of men concerning this topic, heading boldly into the truth of the matter. In order to do this we must seek for an understanding
of …