March 28
According to Ray Knight:
-"Dr. E. W. Bullinger was a direct descendant of the Bullinger of the Swiss Reformation. He lived from 1837-1913 and was
a mighty spiritual man as well deep into the Word of God. He discovered numerical patterns in scripture and creation which
led him to believe that His God had purposely placed it there for a reason. His insight to creation and the numerical patterns
in God’s Word are especially precious."
-"Dr. Ivan Panin, a converted Russian Nihilist, later a Harvard Scholar, professor, and mathematician … he once tutored
Albert Einstein … learned Greek and Hebrew in four years. He then added Aramaic to his skills. He, quite separately
from Bullinger, discovered the mathematical construction of scripture as seen in the two languages used … Hebrew and
-"These two men of God spent many years recording their works and we have access to their findings today and are sincerely
blessed by the insight that they have shown us. The “seal of sevens” on all scripture of our Bible was mind boggling
… Panin and his assistant WERE CONVERTED THROUGH THEIR DISCOVERY! Panin died in 1942 after spending the remainder of
his life in the Word unveiling its mighty treasures." ( The above information is from: Bible Numbers Are Mighty, Ray
Knight )
-Each number has a spiritual meaning:
1= unity, union, oneness 30= maturity
2= witness, double portion 31= increase
3= completeness, divine perfection 32= covenant
4= world, creation, earth 33= promise
5= grace, God’s goodness 34= the naming of a son
6= carnal man, flesh 35= hope
7= spiritual perfection 36= fully man
8= new beginning 37= the Word of God
9= finality 38= slavery to the flesh
10= trial, testing 39= disease, weakness
11= disorder, chaos 40= probation, proving
12= divine government 42= achievement
13= sin, rebellion, satan 45= preservation
14= salvation, generations 46= temple devoid of spirit
15= spiritual rest 49= Jubilee announced
16= love 50= Pentecost, Jubilee year
17= victory 60= pride, God’s vessel before judgment
18= bondage 70= God’s vessel after judgment
19= faith 100= liberty, deliverance
20= redemption 120= the end of all flesh, the full anointing
21= degradation of sin 144= the spirit filled life, first resurrection
22= light 153= the sons of God
23= death 200= what man has without God
24= priesthood 276= carnal man devoid of spirit, Babylon
25= forgiveness 300= complete deliverance
26= the gospel of Christ 490= blessed time
28= eternal life 600= warfare
29= departure 666= the beast nature
888= Jesus, fullness of Christ’s body
1000= the glory of God