December 9
According to Dr. Stephen Jones:
-"In the case of the Great White Throne in Daniel and Revelation, God judges all men according to His own law.
The “fire” that proceeds from the throne is the judgment of the divine law according to their works. A common
view is that this “fire” is literal and that it will last forever on the grounds that the people will be immortal
and fireproof, but will be able to experience pain. Others say that the fire is literal, but that it will simply “burn
up” (annihilate) the sinners. In both of these views, God metes out punishment, but justice itself is not done.
Our view is taken from the divine law itself, for this is how God defines justice. Nowhere does one find in the divine law
a provision for burning anyone alive for ANY sin. The only use of fire found in the law is where a dead body might
be burned (cremated) for the purpose of preventing an honorable burial. In Daniel 7, we see that the fire comes from the throne,
which is a universal symbol of law and authority to judge the people. Deuteronomy 33:2, 3 (KJV) says, And he said, The
Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto Paran, and He came with ten thousands of saints; from His right hand went
a fiery law [Heb. “esh dath”] for them, Yea, He loved the people; all His saints are
in Your hand; and they sat down at Your feet; every one shall receive of Your words. Note that it is not merely the
law, but a “fiery law.” “Esh” is the Hebrew word for fire, and “dath” means
decree, command, or law. Take special note also that this law is said to come from His right hand—and then it says that
“all His saints are in His hand.” As we will show later, His saints are the ones called to administer the
law, because they are the ones in whose hearts the divine law is written. That is why both the law and His saints are identified
as being in the hand of God. But for now it is enough to see that the law itself is characterized as FIRE." ( The Judgments
Of The Divine Law, Dr. Stephen Jones )
-When we speak of the law, we are of course speaking of the spirit of the law that is being written on our hearts.
This is being accomplished as we learn to partake of God’s divine nature. The letter of the law was kept and fulfilled
alone by the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s law is now applied by His Holy Spirit to our hearts and lives. This is what is
taking place in the believer’s life. This is what it means to be baptized with the …