September 14
According to Ray Knight:
-"Tradition has taught over many years that “Lucifer” is Satan. This tradition, we are told, comes
out of two chapters . . . Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 which we will look into with great care. First of all let us acknowledge
that the Devil or Satan (as laid out in ‘re-think’ No.11) never did start out with any wisdom, holiness or glory.
“Lucifer” was in the garden of Eden ... says Ezekiel’s account; so “Lucifer” has to be either
God (that’s not possible) or the Serpent or Adam . . . there was just no-one else! It is between the Serpent (Devil)
or Adam! Let us investigate this challenging problem. The word “Lucifer”, from the Hebrew, is “HEYEL”
and is translated “Shining One”, “Morning-Star” or “Lucifer”. “Morning-Star”
equates with “Day-Star”. Here is the only mention of “Lucifer”. (12) How are you fallen from heaven,
O “Lucifer”, son of the morning! How are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! Adam was
the ‘son’ of God, his Father. It was Adam who ‘fell’ from God’s presence . . . the Devil is
controlled! (13) For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of
God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: ‘Man’ wants to ‘run’
the congregation! (14) I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. The Serpent offered
this position to Adam and he fell for it! Page 777 (Amplified Bible), footnote ‘n’ informs us that “Lucifer”
being Satan is erroneous. “Lucifer” comes from the Latin equivalent of “PHOSPHOROS” which is used
of a title for Jesus in 2 Pet.1:19 and corresponds to the name “bright and morning star”. Luke 10:18 has been
incorrectly used to lead us astray. Adam had the ability to think heavenly thoughts and then he fell to the earthly realm
of thinking producing demonic thoughts which can be overcome in us by the power that God has provided in Jesus Christ." (
Lucifer?, Ray Knight )
-As we do a proper study of the name “Lucifer”, Isaiah 14, and Ezekiel 28, we will see that these
all agree and point to ADAM’S FALL IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN. They do not speak of a fall of Satan, for Satan had no
fall, but was a murderer from the beginning ( John 8:44 ). It was ADAM who was in Eden, the Garden of God (
Ezekiel 28:13 ), and was perfect until iniquity was found in him.
-As we stated, the Devil was a murderer from the beginning: he sinned from the beginning; he was the father
of lies, there was no truth in him. However, Adam was perfect, being in the image of God … until iniquity was found
in him.
According to Ray Knight:
-"Adam was “Lucifer” who fell and lost all, dragging all mankind down with him . . . no longer being
“The Shining One”. “Lucifer” today is the fallen Adamic natural-reasoning carnal nature in us. The
Second Adam (Christ) has restored all that the first “Lucifer-Adam” lost that we may be clothed upon with Light
and Beauty (Psalm 52:1). So Adam fits the ‘bill’ of who “Lucifer” was! And so now, today, we see why
‘carnal man’ is so very responsive to the Devil’s (Serpent’s) authority and suggestions!" ( Lucifer?,
Ray Knight )
-After a proper explanation of the name “Lucifer”, we are now free to explore the true origin of
Satan. We will look to the Holy Scriptures to understand and comprehend …