August 19
According to J. Preston Eby:
-"Millions sanctimoniously and religiously pray, "Thy Kingdom come," thinking it is something outside of themselves,
is some distant age, under other conditions — and have no intention whatever of abdicating the throne of their own inner
wills and hearts to the King of Glory. They are utterly unwilling to surrender the sovereignty of their lives to God. They
are no more prepared to accept the sovereign rule of Christ than were those men who shouted at His crucifixion, "We have no
king but Caesar!" So, if I sincerely, earnestly, and genuinely beseech the Spirit of God to rule in my life and experience,
there to establish His Kingdom, I can only expect that there will be a most tremendous confrontation. It is a foregone conclusion
that there will follow a formidable conflict between His divine sovereignty and my self-willed ego. And this, precious friend
of mine, is the true BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON!" ( To Be The Lord’s Prayer, J. Preston Eby )
-To those who would seek first the Kingdom of God, let us seek His Kingdom with the understanding THAT THIS
IS OUR MOST IMPORTANT TASK IN THIS LIFE! Jesus told us to put the Kingdom of God before food, clothing, drink, and anything
else for that matter. IT IS TO BE OUR CHIEF AIM! As this takes place, let us not be surprised to find that a
battle will begin to rage from within. This battle ( The Battle of Armageddon ) is a conflict between flesh and Spirit, for
they do war against one another ( Romans 8:1-10, Romans7:14-25 ).
-We begin to find ourselves exposed to our Adamic Nature, and as well, to the divine nature, which is the power
source to overcome the Adamic Nature. This process places us in the valley of decision ( Joel 3:14 ), in which our soul
is sanctified, and our decisions ( choices ) are purified. God exposes us to good and evil, while teaching us to overcome,
choosing good. We will find that we are overcoming evil through the tree of life ( Jesus Christ ), and not through
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ( our carnal mind ).
-The only way to overcome in this battle is to recognize that THE BATTLE IS THE LORD’S. We must fight
the good fight of faith, which is to continually believe that THE BATTLE IS THE LORD’S. This is what it means to labor
to enter into His rest ( 1st Samuel 17:47, 1st Timothy 6:12, Hebrews 4:1-11 ). When we rest we are changed
from glory to glory, causing the flesh to become weak, which in turn open us up to the strength of the Spirit of God.