August 20
-It is our goal in this study to prove that the teaching of eternal torture is a lie, and that it is
primarily based on the wrong and improper translation of three key words, which are: “OLAM”, “AION”,
According to Nathaniel Scarlett:
-"This confused translation of “olam”, and “aion”, when it occurred as a substantive,
and “aeonian”, when it occurred as an adjective, and the want of discernment in readers, has been a means of propagating
the doctrine of endless damnation, which states that God will kindle a fire, and so constantly supply it with combustible
matter, brimstone, and by His all creating power, as to endure as long as He Himself shall exist; and that the subjects of
future punishment, being raised incorruptible and indissoluble, shall for the same period endure burning in the lake of fire,
God having no ultimate end in view but the endless misery of His creatures." ( A Translation Of The New Testament,
Nathaniel Scarlett )
-Let us now turn our attention to Ephesians 3:11, which states, … According to the eternal purpose
which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: … The word “eternal” in this passage comes from the Greek word
“aion”, and should be literally rendered … THE PURPOSE OF THE AGES. With this being brought
to our attention, we are now headed in the right direction. We are headed to a proper understanding of God’s purpose
of the ages.
-To understand God’s purpose for the creation, we must have an understanding of DISPENSATIONS and
AGES, for God’s purpose is the purpose of the ages. Without an understanding of AGES we are doomed and even forced
to believe the teachings of men, who state that God cannot and will not save all mankind, but will in fact separate, punish,
and eternally torture the MAJORITY of the human race, having no end goal or remedial ( corrective ) purpose in mind.
-The goal of this study will be to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the teaching of eternal torture is
FALSE! We will also prove that this teaching is based primarily on the mistranslation of the words “olam”, “aion”,
and “aionios”, which refer to the ages, and do not give validity to the BLASPHEMOUS IDEA that God would ever eternally
torment any of His created beings. Let us study to show ourselves approved unto God! We are going to …