March 1
According to Ray Prinzing:
-"Man has long viewed God’s judgments as a vindictive action prompted by a motive for revenge and supported by a
tumultuous wrath that must be pacified. NOT SO! Such is a gross caricature of our God! His mercy and grace are superabundant,
and though He finds it necessary to chasten, His wisdom and righteousness produce a just and pure chastisement conditioned
to correct the situation, and thus bring forth a creature improved by the process." ( Redemption, Ray Prinzing )
-We must understand that all of God’s judgments ARE CORRECTIVE IN NATURE! Hear it again! GOD’S JUDGMENTS ARE
FOR THE PURPOSE OF CORRECTION! Jeremiah 10:24 states, … O Lord, CORRECT ME, BUT WITH JUDGMENT; not in Your anger,
lest You bring me to nothing ( lest You diminish me ) … As you can see, judgment brings about correction,
and correction is the result of judgment. They go hand in hand. The Hebrew word for correct is "yasar", and has also been
translated as - to instruct, to chasten, be taught, and be reformed. The Greek word is "paideuo", and includes the thought
of child-training, involving the whole process of discipline which girds us up to the right way.
-The purpose of God’s judgments, which are corrective, must always be seen in this light. If they were corrective
in the past, and are corrective now, then they will be corrective in the ages to come. Remember … When God’s judgments
are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness ( Isaiah 26:9 ) … Read 1st Chronicles
16:13-36 and Psalm 72. These passages of scripture declare that the whole creation is longing for the judgment of God. Let
the heavens be glad, And let the earth rejoice: And let men say among the nations, The Lord reigns …