November 27
-Revelation 14:10 states, … and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy
angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: …
-This is quite an interesting scripture. Let us look at some of the key words in this verse and their meanings.
The words “fire and brimstone” clearly speak of DIVINE PURIFICATION. This fire ( which is a spiritual fire ) is
the fire of God Himself. Its purpose is to consume wood, hay, and stubble ( the carnality in man ). Remember … GOD IS
According to Louis Abbott:
-"There is an interesting rock used in Biblical days to test the quality of precious metals called a touchstone.
It is quite unfortunate that most translations following the King James tradition have hidden the Biblical references to this
stone from us. The King James Bible Concordances have also hidden its meaning. Using the Strong's or Young's Concordances,
when looking up the English word "torment," we discover that the noun for one of these Greek words is basanoj "basanos," Strong's
number 931. Strong's number 928 "torture," and 929 "torment" are derivatives of this noun, "basanos," which Strong's Concordance
says is a "touchstone." Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 5th Edition, tells us that a touchstone is "1. A black siliceous stone
allied to flint;-used to test the purity of gold and silver by the streak left on the stone when rubbed by the metal. 2. Any
test or criterion by which to try a thing's quality." Those of us who dig deep enough will discover why the early believers
did not see the lake of fire as a place of "eternal torment." They knew that the wording in this passage referred to a place
of divine testing and not a place of "eternal torment." The Greek word for "sulfur" is qeiou "theeion" which is akin to "theos,"
which means god. Sulfur (brimstone) was used to purify temples in ancient days. It was also used for healing purposes. The
fact that this passage of scripture speaks of "day and night" proves that "aionas ton aionon" in this passage should not have
been translated "forever and ever." Divine fire will test the works of men and angels." ( An Analytical Study Of Words,
Louis Abbott )
-We are now able to see that the word “torment” means testing. ( A stone used to test the purity
of gold. ) Remember … Gold is symbolic of divinity, or that which is divine ( God-like ). The words “tormented”
and “lake of fire and brimstone” clearly speak of a severe time of testing. This testing is for the purpose of
purifying the person. The goal of God is to burn up the carnal nature in man, bringing him to the place where he is possessed
by the divine nature. Notice where the testing is taking place. IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LAMB! THE VERY PRESENCE OF GOD IS A
PURIFYING LAKE OF FIRE! This torment ( severe testing ), although severe, is not to torture the person forever, but rather,
it is to correct, purify, and restore the person. It is to bring them to the place where they can embrace …