May 12
-Matthew 5:8 states, … for they shall see God … What does it mean to see God? The word "see" comes from a Greek
word "optomai", which comes from a Greek word "horao", which means: to experience, behold, perceive, take heed, and mentally
-This word ( "see" ) is not talking about mere physical sight. IT IS TALKING ABOUT SPIRITUAL SIGHT! TO SEE GOD is to perceive
and grasp Him with your mind, which then transforms your mind from the carnal mind to the mind of Christ! SEEING GOD is a
spiritual thing. It is to understand Him.
-Remember … Jesus told Nicodemus, … Except a man be born again ( born from above, or spiritually awakened )
he cannot see ( perceive with the mind, understand, or know experientially ) the kingdom ( royal dominion, the spiritual
Kingdom of God within the human heart, or God’s rule within ) of God ( John 3:3 ) …
-The word "see" in this passage comes from a different Greek word "eido", but carries with it the similar meaning of PERCEPTION
OF GOD. In essence, to SEE God’s Kingdom is to UNDERSTAND or PERCEIVE His Kingdom.
-So … Can you “SEE” what the word “SEE” means? Don’t you want to see God? Many people
know about God, but very few people can see God. Their minds are blinded by the god of this world ( 2nd Corinthians
4:4 ). If we are not seeing ( perceiving ) God, then what is it we are seeing? There is only one other thing that we can see,
and that is the traditions and doctrines ( teachings ) of men. We become able to see only a FORM OF GOD, which is really nothing
more than our own preconceived ideas about God. This is idolatry!
-Let us come out of the idolatrous ideas of man about God and enter into His Kingdom. As we stated earlier, we must be
born again in order to see our God for Who He really is! The pure in heart are beginning to see their Father, not according
to the way the organized church presents Him, but according to Who He truly is. We are seeing God, and …