July 28
According to Bob Evely:
-"We need Reformation within the church today as badly as in Luther's day. We need to understand that “orthodoxy”
is not truth as compared with falsehood ... it is simply the majority opinion, and it can be wrong. We cannot cling to a set
a beliefs or interpretations simply because the majority that preceded us has worked through these issues and developed what
they have passed down to us as orthodoxy ... the “majority opinion.” “Orthodoxy” is widely viewed
as a safeguard against heresy. But what if the “majority opinion” is wrong, and what if orthodoxy now prevents
us from rooting error out of the teachings of the church? Consider this ... When in scripture was the majority opinion
correct? Were the Jewish leaders ( the majority ) correct, when God's prophets ( the minority ... like Jeremiah
) were proclaiming things that were “unorthodox” in their day? Were the Pharisees ( the majority ) correct when
Jesus and later His apostles were proclaiming things that were “unorthodox” in their day? Were the majority of
believers correct as they clung to legalism, as Paul spoke of things that were “unorthodox?” ( See Acts 21:20-21
when the majority of believers in Jerusalem opposed Paul when he returned to Jerusalem . )" ( How Can You Be Right, And
The Whole Church Wrong?, Bob Evely )
-The word “reform” means: the improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, or unsatisfactory.
This is what is now taking place in the body of Christ. Those who have EARS TO HEAR are coming out of Babylon ( confusion
)! They are hearing the call of the Spirit to come out of deception and STRONG DELUSION, for most of the established visible
church is to be found in this state. Remember … If it were possible, the very elect ( God’s own
people ) would be deceived ( Matthew 24:24 ) …
-There is only one road that leads to REFORMATION. This road is revelation truth! The words “revelation
truth” mean: unveiled reality. This combination of Spirit and truth is essential to be a true worshipper of God. It
takes the Spirit to reveal truth to a person. In essence, they ( Spirit and truth ) go hand in hand. The teachings of Evangelical
Christianity are pitiful, for most of what they teach is nothing more than the traditions and doctrines of men. We
must admit that …