October 28
According to Bill Britton:
-"Many are crying to God daily to give them a ministry, a job, a responsibility in the Kingdom. And Paul told
Timothy that if any man desired the office of a bishop, he desired a good work. But he went on to say that such a one should
be proved, tested and tried, to see that he was faithful in that which God gave him. For if a man is not faithful to his own
family, how can he be faithful to the church of the living God? And if he cannot rule in the temporal relationships in his
earthly home, how can he rule in the eternal glory of God’s house? If he is faithful in that which is small, then he
will be faithful in the greater things. It is a great thing to have a large responsibility in God’s house. But it is
a dangerous thing to have, unless you have a spirit of being faithful." ( Ten Dangerous Possessions, Bill Britton )
-There is much preaching today on faith, but very little preaching on faithfulness. This is talked about by
Jesus in Luke 19:11-27 where He teaches a parable about the good and wicked servant. The good servant, who is rewarded and
given authority over all that belongs to his Lord, is that servant who has been FAITHFUL in that which is small. The wicked
servant is that servant who was entrusted with that which belonged to his Lord ( given responsibility ), but did nothing with
it, and was not faithful to bring forth the desired fruit which his Lord required.
-The very reason that the Lord gives us responsibility is for the purpose of teaching us faithfulness. A person
who is faithful is unwavering and dedicated, being diligent in what God has called him to do. Without faithfulness it is impossible
to experience the Father in His fullness. Man is only able to partake of the Father in small doses. This happens little by
little, day by day, causing us to be changed from glory to glory. We can not handle all of our Father’s power and love
at one time. It requires for us to be faithful, receiving our daily bread one day at a time. In an age of everything being
handed to us on a silver platter, it is difficult to learn this principle in God. Nevertheless, those who take responsibility
and add to it faithfulness will be the ones to rule and reign with Christ. How we long to hear these words from our Lord …