June 23
-In the certainty of just retribution for sin.
-The Bible clearly teaches us of the certainty of just retribution for sin. The word "retribution" speaks of
the distribution of rewards and punishments that are to be administered by our Lord. In this case we are of course referring
to the punishment aspect of retribution that is to be distributed accordingly in the ages to come.
-A careful study of Luke 12:42-48 will shed much light on this topic. This passage of scripture is very enlightening
and informative, giving us an understanding of just retribution. It tells us of three classes of people:
-Luke 12:47,48 states, … And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself,
neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of
stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men
have committed much, of him they will ask the more … The faithful and wise steward is destined to rule and reign with
Jesus Christ in the ages to come, having power over the nations. He shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of
a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as Jesus received of His Father (Revelation 2:26,27) … The non-overcomer
and unbeliever are destined for certain, just retribution for sin. This is referred to as the resurrection of judgment or
second resurrection. It is a resurrection that includes fiery judgment for the purpose of correction and restoration. It is
the Lake of Fire! This is not a literal fire, but a cleansing, purifying, and spiritual fire that will consume their wood,
hay, and stubble ( the carnal mind ). Remember … GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE!!! His very presence is
a LAKE OF FIRE to the non-overcomer and the unbeliever.
-This is to be seen as God’s passionate, corrective LOVE! The certainty of just retribution for sin is
for THE PURPOSE OF CORRECTION, not to eternally torture someone. The teaching of eternal torture ( as we know it today ) is
rooted in Greek Mythology, Bible mistranslations, a literal interpretation of some of the metaphors of scripture, the complete
neglect of a proper study of the scriptures, and is fueled by the carnal mind.
-We must see that there is going to be retribution for sin, but we must also see that it is going to be JUST!
In other words, THE PUNISHMENT MUST FIT THE CRIME! Those who know to do the will of the Father and do not do it will be corrected
more severely! Those who go against the will of the Father in ignorance will be corrected, but with less severity!
The levels of correction are to vary due to the amount of light that a person was given concerning the things of the Lord.
But rest assured, there is going to be retribution for sin! GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED (Galatians 6:7,8)!
-That which is at stake is the opportunity for a better resurrection ( Hebrews 11:35 )! In essence, those
who voluntarily serve the Lord now are already experiencing His consuming Lake of Fire. They are being brought through the
process of purification and correction that they might be profitable for the Master’s use. It is called sanctification!
According to Dr. Harold Lovelace:
-"Since God has revealed His plan and purpose, we should ask, “How do we live now and what do we do with
this knowledge? Are we more responsible now to do something with this knowledge? Do we listen to the carnal mind and think
that since God is going to restore all we might as well live like we want to live?” The answer is “NO!”
His correction is severe. The carnal views are against the character, qualities, and nature of God. The knowledge of His plan
is given to those who will be trusted to take it to others. It is His knowledge and glory that is to cover the earth." ( Read
And Search God’s Plan, Dr. Harold Lovelace )
-Remember … To whom much is given, …