May 8
-Matthew 5:5 states, … for they shall inherit the earth … What a promise! The meek shall inherit the earth.
So … Why is everyone so anxious to fly off to heaven?
-Modern day Christianity teaches us that the purpose and plan of God for our individual lives is nothing more than staying
out of an eternal hell. O HOW WE HAVE MISSED THE TRUE GOSPEL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! Not only is the “so-called”
gospel of salvation from everlasting torture a LIE, but it would prove to be a very SHALLOW message if indeed it were true.
Surely God has some greater purpose in store for the human race than just trying to keep them out of an eternal torture pit!
-Revelation 5:9,10 states, … You ( Jesus ) have redeemed us unto God by Your blood out of every kindred, and tongue,
and people, and nation; And have made us unto our God kings and priests: AND WE SHALL REIGN ON THE EARTH … Revelation
11:15 states, … The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ; … Psalm 2:8
states, … Ask of me, and I shall give You the heathen for Your inheritance. And the uttermost parts of the earth for
Your possession …
-The inheriting of the earth also spiritually refers to the inheritance of our bodies. Remember … We have a treasure
hidden in an EARTHEN VESSEL! The meek shall ultimately inherit their glorified bodies at the first resurrection. They shall
also inherit the physical earth. This will result in a great harvest of ALL NATIONS BEING BROUGHT UNTO THE SAVING KNOWLEDGE
OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. This is the beginning of the ministry of the Ages of the Ages.
-Can we begin to see that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein?
( Psalm 24:1 ) … God is the owner of the earth and all that are in it. He has left His possession for the meek to inherit.
What an unbelievable purpose the Father has for those that love Him! He has put all that He owns into the hands of the meek.
The meek are truly blessed in that they …