May 15
-Matthew 5:10,11 states, … Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against
you falsely, for My sake … Being persecuted for righteousness’ sake is a sure sign that you have tapped into the
very life of the Father. A manifestation of the Spirit of God does one of two things:
1. It softens the hearts of men.
2. It hardens the hearts of men.
-Those who are softened by the Spirit of God will surrender their lives and come to the Lord in brokenness. Those who are
hardened by the Spirit of God will preserve their lives and reject God ( for the time being ). Remember the many times that
Jesus was persecuted for simply telling people the truth? He was even accused of performing miracles by the power of Satan,
even though that was not the case.
-The word "persecute" means: to subject to harassing or cruel treatment because of religion, race, or beliefs, to annoy
or trouble persistently, and to pursue closely.
-What is it about the true righteousness of God that brings on persecution? When the true righteousness of God is brought
forth in word or deed it convicts man of his self-righteousness. When he is convicted he either repents and surrenders, or
he remains hardened and persecutes the messenger of righteousness.
-What is it about being persecuted for righteousness’ sake that is a blessing? The blessing is this: When you are
persecuted for righteousness’ sake you are following in the footsteps of the prophets and of your Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. The scriptures testify that they were persecuted for righteousness’ sake, and surely we will be persecuted as
well. When a person is persecuted and does not fight back it is a sign of TRUE MATURITY IN GOD! THIS IS THE HIGHEST LEVEL
OF MATURITY IN GOD! This is how we learn to become a creditor like our Lord and Savior. We learn to say, … FATHER FORGIVE
-The next time you are persecuted for righteousness’ sake you should count yourself as GREATLY BLESSED. The prophets
and Jesus were persecuted, and so shall we be persecuted. FORGIVE YOUR PERSECUTORS!!! A person who is persecuted for
righteousness’ sake is truly …