July 20
According to Jim Rutz:
-"The 1,700-year nightmare is over: the Constantinian Shift is shifting back. Under Emperor Constantine, the
church became an imperial audience, but is now finally freeing itself from the corset of state control. An unprecedented transfer
of divine power is underway, from clerics into the hands of ordinary people. This is giving rise to an entirely new form of
Christianity - with far greater repercussions than the Protestant Reformation. The church is transforming itself from an
organization to an organism. After 1,700 years of institutional structure, the body of Christ is emerging in the form
described in the New Testament. People are rediscovering the original forms and functions in an open, participatory system
mostly consisting of house churches." ( Megashift, Jim Rutz )
-The words “1,700-year nightmare” refer to the rise of Constantine and the legalization of Christianity.
This took place from about 313 A.D. to 325 A.D. This resulted in the union of church and state and the secularization of the
church. Christianity became a matter of fashion. Many heathen customs and usages, under altered names, crept into the worship
of God and the life of the Christian people. This downward spiral away from the original message of the early apostles was
the falling away that the apostle Paul spoke of in 2nd Thessalonians 2:3.
According to Dr. Harold Lovelace:
-"This Great Truth of the salvation of All Creation by God was denounced by the Fifth General Council of the
Catholic Church held in Constantinople from May 4, A.D. 553 until June 2, A.D. 553. The Dark Ages, as they are known, came
upon the world for about 1,000 years, and this Great Truth was hidden." ( Read And Search God’s Plan, Dr. Harold
Lovelace )
-The teaching of eternal torture, that was developed by the Catholic Church, has been the primary message of
Christianity ever since. It attached itself to the Protestant Reformation and continued to be the primary message that was
taught. The teaching of eternal torture is the CORE DECEPTION OF MODERN DAY CHRISTIANITY! It is the strong delusion that Paul
spoke of in 2nd Thessalonians 2:11. It is also the seducing spirits and doctrines of demons that Paul taught about
in 1st Timothy 4:1,2. The teaching of eternal torture has SEARED OUR CONSCIENCES WITH A HOT IRON TO THE LOVE OF
GOD! It is a damnable heresy that denies the Lord who bought us ( 2nd Peter 2:1 )!
-The church has been under this delusion for 1,700 years. As we look back on church history we can surely
see that it was a disastrous nightmare of killing, bondage, and fear. BUT THANK GOD THAT HE IS REVEALING THE TRUTH TO THOSE
WHO HAVE EARS TO HEAR. The Spirit of God is calling HIS PEOPLE OUT OF BABYLON ( CONFUSION ), and out of the 1,700-year nightmare.
The only way out of a nightmare is to wake up! SO … AWAKE!
According to Jim Rutz:
-"God has called us to stop going with the flow, and decide to actively turn away from the outdated control
structures (clerics & laypeople). He wants us to pay the price of being a pioneer, learn to LOVE OTHERS, help carry the
burdens of others, not become stagnate, and take small steps forward every day." ( Megashift, Jim Rutz )