December 6
heat and light evolved by ignition and combustion; intensity of feeling; ardor; spirit; severe trial and affliction.
According to Gary Amirault:
-"Let us see what the scriptures say about this fire which is both heat and light. Heb. 12:28,29 says, "Wherefore
we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly
fear; for our God is a consuming fire. Now a consuming fire is one that consumes or burns up something. And that is
what our God is. Don't forget it. Then is it any wonder that when He appears in His mighty messengers (myriads of Himself)
He comes with consuming fire to destroy all flesh (carnality within us)? These mighty messengers of Himself are a part of
that same fire. Heb. 1:7 says, "And of the angels He says, 'Who makes His ministers a flame of fire.'" The original Greek
renders it this way: "And with respect to the angels, indeed He says, 'It is He Who makes His angels winds, and His ministering
servants a flame of fire.'" (ed. note: I again corrected the English to the correct words of Benjamin Wilson, author of this
Greek text. Another note, there is no "Original Greek.") David said of God, "Who makes His angels spirits; His ministers a
flaming fire." Ps.104:4. Now we see that God Himself is a consuming fire, and His ministers are also like a fire. Let us now
see what He says about the very Word He speaks. "Is not My Word like as a fire? says the Lord." Jer. 23:29. Again He says,
"Wherefore thus says the Lord God of hosts, because you speak this word, behold, I will make MY WORDS IN YOUR MOUTH FIRE,
and this people wood, and it shall devour them." Jer. 5:14. God is fire; His ministers are fire, and His Word is fire! With
all this fire there must be something that needs to be burned before God can have a people after His own nature and likeness."
( His Coming In Flaming Fire, Gary Amirault )
-How refreshing it is to let the Bible define fire for us. It is much better than listening to man’s ideas
about what they think it means or represents. Our next effort will be to turn our attention to the difference between natural
and spiritual fire, for there is a difference. Once we understand the spiritual fire of God we will no longer be afraid of
God’s fire, but we will welcome it, for it is the very thing that …