May 31
( Matthew 6:9-13 )
-Matthew 6:10 states, … Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven … The Lord’s
Prayer begins with the introduction of our Father, where He is ( in the heavenly realm ), and that His name is to be hallowed
( sanctified ). Then Jesus immediately turns our attention to God’s KINGDOM AND WILL. The Kingdom of God was at the
very heart of everything that Jesus said and did. He began His ministry by announcing , … Repent: for the kingdom of
heaven is at hand ( Matthew 4:17 ) … As well, all of His parables were in one way or another related to the Kingdom
of God. Read Matthew chapter 13 to see what Jesus likened the Kingdom of God unto. He likened it unto: a sower, a man who
sows, a mustard seed, yeast, buried treasure, a pearl, and a net. The message of Jesus Christ was THE KINGDOM OF GOD! THERE
-The words “THY KINGDOM COME” and “ THY WILL BE DONE” are the very heart, center, and
focal point of the entire prayer. Imagine the Lord’s Prayer as a picture. The words “THY KINGDOM COME” would
be the portrait. All the other words before and after these would serve as the frame and mat for the portrait itself. With
this in mind, let us attempt to define the Kingdom of God.
-Many people see the Kingdom of God as nothing more than a geographical location that they will fly away to
after they die. They think of it as something that is futuristic and totally out of reach. This is very sad. If that were
the case, that would mean that there is very little purpose for the Christian’s existence here on this earth. The majority
of the church is not praying for the Kingdom of God to come to the earth, but rather that they will be “raptured”
off to a Kingdom that is supposed to be somewhere in the sweet by-and-by. This is the exact opposite of what Jesus
told us to pray. He said, … THY KINGDOM COME!
According to Kelley Varner:
-"Most Christians in this nation do not understand the basic truths about God’s Kingdom. The term “Kingdom
Now” was invented to conveniently and negatively dismiss what men do not comprehend. In fact, that is one of the hot
“issues”. Jesus is not our “soon-coming King;” He is King right now! All things are under His feet.
Men ask, “So is His Kingdom now or in the future?” To that I answer, “Yes! It’s both.” The Kingdom
of God is the extension of God’s rule and dominion in the earth and universe, and is in the Holy Spirit ( Romans 14:17
). Simply stated, it is the Lordship of Jesus Christ. God’s Kingdom is a theocracy, not a democracy, and is ruled by
God through His delegated representatives, not by the people. The term “Kingdom of Heaven” shows us where it is
from, and the term “Kingdom of God” shows us Who runs it!" ( The Issues Of Life, Kelley Varner )
According to J. Preston Eby:
-"The dictionary defines "kingdom" as "a government or country headed by a king or queen; a monarchical state;
a realm or domain." The word "kingdom" is made up of the noun "king," and the suffix "dom". "Dom" is a noun-forming suffix
to express rank, position, or domain. For example, a "dukedom" is the domain over which a duke has authority or exercises
rule, and in the abstract the rank of a duke. In like manner a "kingdom" is the domain and the people within that domain over
which a king exercises authority and rule. It is the "king’s domain". "Kingdom" is thus a contraction of "king’s
domain". The term, "Kingdom of God", can mean no other than the domain over which God exercises rule as King. It is God’s
declared purpose therefore that His people, His holy nation, His peculiar treasure, should be the domain
over which He would rule as King, and ultimately all the earth and all things and every creature. The Lord’s greatest
dominion at this time is in the lives of His elect and chosen ones. Millions sanctimoniously and religiously pray, "Thy Kingdom
come," thinking it is something outside of themselves, is some distant age, under other conditions — and have no intention
whatever of abdicating the throne of their own inner wills and hearts to the King of Glory. It is a foregone conclusion that
there will follow a formidable conflict between His divine sovereignty and my self-willed ego. And this, precious friend of
mine, is the true BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON!" ( To Be The Lord’s Prayer, J. Preston Eby )
-As was just stated, the conflict is between our kingdom and His Kingdom. It is between our will and His will.
So … Let us submit to the Kingdom and will of our Heavenly Father, for in doing so we become partakers of His divine
nature. For so an entrance shall be ministered unto us abundantly into the EVERLASTING KINGDOM ( THE KINGDOM OF THE AGES )
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.