October 31
-Those who are talented in areas of their lives are usually the first ones to know it, for a very talented person
does not need to be told that he or she is talented. This talent, whatever it may be, is sure to be a blessing to all. But
a person’s talent can become a dangerous thing if their talent is not consecrated to God. If a person does not recognize
that their talent comes from the Father, then they will fall prey to the clutching grip of this world, for the world will
surely recognize their talent, looking for a way to market it for the purpose of making money. The Bible tells us that every
good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with Whom is no variableness, neither
shadow of turning ( James 1:17 ) … If this is not recognized, then we will take credit for our talent, turning it over
to the world for worldly gain, becoming a lover of this world. 1st John 2:15 states, … Love not the world,
neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him …
-How many people have there been down through history who were given talents by God to be used for the Kingdom
of God, but used them instead for the purpose of worldly gain alone? The very reason that God blesses us with particular
talents is that we might recognize that He gave us the talent, be thankful for the talent, consecrate the talent back to Him
for His use, and then use the talent to glorify Him and His Kingdom in this earth.
-It is a sad thing to see a person take his God-given talent and give it over totally to the world for the purpose
of becoming famous or rich. Please do not think that I am saying that it is wrong to be famous or rich, for it is not. The
point that we are discussing is the consecration and dedication of one’s talent to the Lord. If the Lord chooses to
make you rich as a result of your talent, then that is His business, but do not use your talent to seek for worldly gain alone.
USE IT TO GLORIFY GOD! Do not sell your God-given talent out to the world, but rather, consecrate it and dedicate it back
to the One Who gave it to you. You must view it as a gift that came from above, and came down from the …