June 24
-In the final harmony of all souls with God.
-The majority of those in Evangelical Christianity teach that God is going to eternally torture most of
the human race. According to their teaching, not only is God going to torture over 95% of all the people who have ever been
born, but He is going to separate, punish, and torture them FOREVER! They claim that God is going to burn them (unbelievers)
in a literal fire causing them to SCREAM OUT IN AGONY FOREVER AND EVER. These torturous flames are said to fall on all who
do not believe in the Son of God.
-Why is it that God’s people can not see that He is victorious? Why do so few people believe in the salvation
of all men? Why is it that Christians can not see that Jesus Christ is the SAVIOR OF THE WORLD?
According to George Hawtin:
-"The inability of God's people to understand and accept the restitution of all things, which was spoken of
by all the prophets since the world began, may be traced to three great faults in our traditional teaching. Firstly, very,
very few people are familiar with the truth that there is a coming age which the Bible names the dispensation of the fullness
of times (Eph. 1: 10), and that that age above all others has been specially set aside for the work of reconciling all things
in heaven and in earth and bringing all things into Christ. The age, as I will point out presently, is the Age of the Ages.
It is the greatest age of all ages and is the time in which the Almighty God brings to completion the unfailing Word spoken
before time began, "Let Us make man in Our image and after Our likeness." Secondly, God's people fail to see the final restitution
of all things because they also fail to see the greatness of the work of Christ and the all-inclusive faith which God the
Father has in that marvelous work of redemption. Thirdly, and perhaps most important of all, is the failure of God's people
to see that all things are of God, that He is working all things according to the Counsel of His own will. Nothing has ever
gone wrong with the merciful purpose of God. Once these three truths become clear to the spiritual mind of a devout child
of God, then the mysteries of the ages disperse like mists before the rising sun and all the parts of the puzzle begin to
fall into their appointed place to form a perfect blueprint of the progression of God's purpose through the ages. It is also
important for us to understand the difference between time and eternity. Time is not eternity. There are many times and many
dispensations, but there is only one eternity. Eternity does not begin; neither does it end, but times, dispensations, and
ages all have beginnings and all have ends. It is wrong to assert that, when time ends, eternity will begin, because eternity
has no beginning. Neither did it end when time began, as so many charts indicate. Ages have their place in eternity in the
same way that minutes have their place in years, except that years end and eternity does not. Therefore it is very important
that we make a clear distinction between ages, which belong to time, and eternity, which is timeless. It is more important
still that we, in our study of the Bible, search out diligently those passages which refer to time and those which refer to
eternity. In making this search, I strongly recommend that wherever possible the searcher avail himself of a good, exhaustive
concordance such as Young's Analytical or Strong's, available at almost any good book store. Both of these give the correct
meaning of every Greek and Hebrew word in the Bible." ( The Restitution Of All Things, George Hawtin )
-In addition to all of this, one must do a proper, unbiased study of the origin of the English word “hell”,
following up with an in-depth study of the words "Sheol" ( Hebrew ), "Hades", "Gehenna", and "Tartaroo" (Greek). You will
be pleasantly surprised to find out that the true meanings of these words in no way denote a place of eternal torture! Finally,
the words "olam" ( Hebrew ), "aion", and "aionios" ( Greek ) must be studied in order to uncover God’s purpose of the
-You have been challenged with the thought that there will be a final harmony of all souls with God! Do you
believe it? Do you care enough to study the things that have been presented to you to see whether or not they are so? What
would glorify God the most? Some souls, many souls, or …