August 17
-After discussing the word “see”, we have discovered that it means: to perceive, grasp, or understand
with the mind. We are then led to the conclusion that: To “see” the Kingdom of God is to “perceive”
the Kingdom of God. “SEEING” MEANS “PERCEIVING”, OR “PERCEPTION”. With this in mind,
let us consider the opposite of “perception”, which is “un-perception”.
According to J. Preston Eby:
-"Concerning the literal meaning of the word “HADES” there can be no doubt. It comes from the Greek
“A(I)DES”. The "a" is a prefix which is equivalent to our "un-" and the stem "-id" means “perceive”.
Thus we have “UN-PERCEIVE” or “imperceptible”; the “unseen”. That is “Hades”
- the unseen world, the unknown realm. Our English word “hell” is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word "hillan" or
"helan," meaning a cavern, anciently denoting a concealed or “UNSEEN” place. In parts of England men still say,
"I plan to “hell” my potatoes," meaning to bury them in a hole or pit, that is, a covered place, out of
sight. And in the old days a young couple seeking to be alone, sought a “hell”, a place where they could
make love without being seen by prying eyes." ( Hell, J. Preston Eby )
-The reason the Pharisees ( or any other person ) could not “see” ( “perceive” ) that
the Kingdom of God was within them, was due to the fact that they were in “UN-PERCEPTION” ( “Hades”,
“hell” ). After having stated this, we should now be able to “see” that “heaven”
is “perception” of God, and that “hell” is “un-perception” of God. It
could also be said that “heaven” is the mind of Christ, and that “hell” is the carnal
-In conclusion, we are able to “see” that “heaven” and “hell” are not
so much physical locations, as much as they are a state or condition of the soul. We can be found seated in “heavenly
places” in Christ Jesus, having the mind of Christ, or we can be found having made our bed in “hell”
( “Sheol”, “Hades” ), having the carnal ( fleshly, hellish ) mind. Remember …
Except a man be born again, he cannot “see” ( “perceive” ) the Kingdom of God. We must understand
that only the Spirit of God can LIBERATE man from the “HELL” ( “UN-PERCEPTION” ) of the carnal
mind. Then, and only then, can we begin to “see” …