July 21
According to Robert Burgess:
-"For many years now there has been a slow transition coming upon the minds of believers in Christ, this has
been a “Spiritual Migration” as it were; from an earthly perception of a Heaven that is “Up There, and we
are Down Here,” to the realization that “Heaven is where WE ARE IN CHRIST.” As new creatures in Christ,
we have been “Raised up together with Him, and He has made us sit together in Heavenly Places (Ephesians 2:6) …"
( The Kingdom Of God, Robert Burgess )
-This transition and migration ( a moving from one thing to another ) can be summed up and characterized by
a moving from the carnal ( fleshly ) to the spiritual. This spiritual migration is a journey from the carnal mind to the mind
of Christ. The migration brings us from a mindset of “having church” to “BEING THE CHURCH”! THERE
-This transition takes place as we begin to look in the mirror at ourselves. We begin to see that the root of
our problem is SELF. It is our ADAMIC NATURE ( the nature that we inherited from Adam ). It then becomes apparent that the
man of sin is within us. Our problem is then revealed to us as an internal sin nature that sits in the temple of God, opposing
and exalting itself above all that is called God. This is the spirit of antichrist, the mark of the beast, the
prince of the power of the air, and the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience. This is our adversary.
It is not something “out there”, but rather, it is WITHIN US!
-Once this has been revealed to us by the Father, we are then led ( by the Spirit ) to an … “O WRETCHED
MAN THAT I AM EXPERIENCE” ( Romans 7:24 )! This experience then launches us toward the power source that pertains to
life and godliness. This power source is God’s DIVINE NATURE. This is the very nature of God at work within us.
-We are now leaving the earth ( spiritually speaking ) and being “caught up” into the heavens, being
seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. “Heaven” must be understood as a state of being rather than a physical
location that is somewhere off in the “sweet by-and-by”.
-Then, and only then, can we begin to understand the Bible, God, and His purpose for the whole creation. As
our minds are transformed by the Spirit of God, we are then able to grasp and see ( perceive ) the Kingdom of God. Until these
things take place in our lives, the Kingdom of God remains a mystery to our carnal ( hellish ) mind, FOR THE
CARNAL MIND IS HELL! We can then see that the mind of Christ is HEAVEN! What a joy to be liberated
from the bondage that is within!