January 7
( This theme taken from: Read and Search God’s Plan, Dr. Harold Lovelace )
-It is important to realize and recognize THAT WE LEARN ABOUT SOMETHING FROM ITS OPPOSITE. That is why God created opposing
forces. Isaiah 45:7 states, …I ( God ) form the light, and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord
do all these things … YES ... God is responsible for having created ALL things, including things that do oppose one
another. Some others to consider are: bitter and sweet, sorrow and joy, darkness and light, good and evil, law and grace,
natural things and spiritual things, death and life, and bondage and freedom. Why would God create such drastic opposing
-We must see that it was necessary for God to create these opposites in order to teach us of His ways. How could we know
what good is if there were no such thing as evil? We must recognize God’s ways, His dealings with the creation, and
His process of revealing His nature in man. So many times we pray for God to do something in our lives and then fight against
Him when He brings us what we prayed for. WHY? We do this because we don’t understand His ways. We don’t understand
His use of opposites to teach us. If you ask God to make you a loving person, He will expose you to hate. He does this that
you might see hate and love for what they are and what they produce, whether in your life or in the life of someone else.
That is just one example. There are many others that will prove the same point, as you are well aware.
-It is impossible to learn something in God without being aware of its opposite. Let us humble ourselves and become aware
of God’s ways, understanding His use of opposites to mold us and make us into His image.