November 7
According to Charles Slagle:
"This may be the truth. Even so, the restoration of all things could be dangerous teaching for unstable people
who would interpret it as license to sin.
People looking for excuses to sin will always find them under any belief-system. Regarding the salvation of
all mankind, Paul said, “These things prescribe and teach” (1 Tim. 4:9-11). Understanding God’s true character
and plan for His creation lays a healthy foundation for authentic righteousness that comes from whole-hearted trust and love
toward the Lord. The greatest commandment of all is that we love Him with all our being. How can we totally trust and
love our Creator, and at the same time be totally convinced that His commitment to us is conditional?" ( Question and
answer by Charles Slagle )
-What is truly at stake concerning the restoration of all things is whether it is true or not. If it is true,
then there is no way that it can be harmful to tell others about it. It should be taught and preached to the world. IT IS
GOOD NEWS! There are millions of people right now who are living in rebellion to the will of God. These people who are living
in rebellion are doing so despite being told that if they do not get right that God is going to torture them forever. Those
who are looking for a way to live in rebellion to God are going to do so no matter what they are taught about God. Please
believe me, GOD IS GOING TO CORRECT THESE PEOPLE IN THE AGES TO COME! Their wood, hay, and stubble will not go unnoticed before
God. His consuming fire will burn up any and all carnality that is within us, whether now or in the ages to come.
-As we have stated, those looking for excuses to sin will always find them under any belief-system. But it is
our job to teach the truth of God. It is our duty to proclaim the true gospel of salvation, forgiveness, restoration, and
reconciliation. 1st Timothy 4:9-11 states, … This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. For
therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, Who is the Savior of all men, specially
of those that believe. These things command and teach … We are told by the apostle Paul to COMMAND AND TEACH
THAT GOD IS THE SAVIOR OF ALL MEN. As we do this, we will be pleasantly surprised to see how many more people will be drawn
to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.